Did you know that your smile can help you reach your goals for 2017? Your teeth may not seem to be a big deal, but a healthy, beautiful smile can give you the confidence you need to achieve your personal and professional goals. Cosmetic dentistry offers a number of options for enhancing your smile no matter what condition your teeth are in now. Your cosmetic dentist in Los Fresnos can brighten your smile for the New Year.
Cosmetic Dentist in Los Fresnos can Brighten Your Smile for the New Year
January 20, 2017
Dentist in Los Fresnos Discusses The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health
November 12, 2016
There’s never been a more important time to take charge of your oral health, and Los Fresnos Dental Center is here to help you. Thanks to emerging studies, we understand that periodontal (gum) disease is directly connected to other health concerns in the body such as high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vice versa. Dr. Adam Lalonde, Dr. Grayson Sellers and Dr. Eric Valle discuss the link between oral health and overall health.
Your Cosmetic Dentist in Los Fresnos Can Enhance Your Smile With Porcelain Veneers
September 27, 2016
Is your smile making the right impression? Did you know that people with beautiful smiles are perceived to be happier and more successful? Your smile has the power to help you achieve great things, and cosmetic dentistry can help. If there are aspects of your smile you’d like to repair or enhance, porcelain veneers might be a good option for you. Dr. Adam Lalonde, your cosmetic dentist in Los Fresnos, can enhance your smile with porcelain veneers.
The Subtle Signs of Gum Disease
March 12, 2016
Periodontal disease (gum disease) is a very common condition, with roughly half of all Americans over the age of 30 with the condition. That’s roughly ! Unfortunately, most of those with the disease have no idea they even have periodontal disease. With the early stages of the disease producing many mild symptoms, most people aren’t aware that what they are seeing is actually periodontal disease. As a result, it goes untreated, progressing to the point tooth and bone loss can occur. However, if you learn to spot gum disease symptoms in its early stages, it’s easily treatable.
What is Causing My Bad Breath?
February 18, 2016
Nothing turns people away from you and sends them running away faster than bad breath, or halitosis. The worst part is that typically no one wants to tell you that you have bad breath because it can be embarrassing. So if you’re lucky enough to have someone tell you that you have bad breath, be sure to listen and take action because bad breath can be the indicator of other health concerns and it’s important to find out what is causing it.
Preventing Tooth Decay
November 10, 2015
A study from the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds that some 91 percent of American adults age 20 to 64 are diagnosed with tooth decay, also called dental caries, during any given year; 96 percent of people over the age of 65 have dental caries. Despite these numbers, there is something you can do to avoid tooth decay: eat right. There are foods you can eat that will help you enjoy greater oral health.
Be Prepared: Know What To Do in a Dental Emergency
October 19, 2015
We can’t prepare for emergencies, but life would be a lot easier if we could. Dental emergencies can be especially scary, as many people aren’t educated in the steps to take immediately following something like a knocked-out or broken tooth. Keep these steps from your Los Fresnos dentist in mind and become one of the few who know how to react in a dental emergency. Your teeth and your smile will be so glad you did.
10 Fun Facts You Didn’t Know About Your Mouth
September 22, 2015
Sometimes, fun facts can be quite informative. We bet we can give you 10 fun and interesting facts about your mouth that will not only surprise you, but convince you of the importance of scheduling regular biannual checkups with the team at Los Fresnos Dental Center, and of brushing and flossing your teeth at home twice each day.
Your Child’s Development vs. Bad Oral Hygiene
September 3, 2015
It’s not just your dentist who can recognize bad oral health. Surprisingly, your child’s teacher might be the one to recognize problems with his or her teeth considering they spend almost 40 hours a week together. Teachers learn a lot about children’s development over the years, including the problems that arise in the classroom due to a lack of proper dental care.
Importance of Dental Cleanings & Exams with Your Dentist Los Fresnos
July 21, 2015
If you’ve ever tried to change a habit or make a new one, you know it’s not easy, even if that habit might save your life. Twice a year dental cleanings and exams could help patients avoid numerous systemic diseases, and reduce health effects of some chronic illnesses. At Los Fresnos Dental Center, we know it’s not easy to start a new habit, but we hope you’ll consider six month dental checkups. You’ll see the difference every time you smile, but you may never know how many other benefits you received by maintaining your beautiful smile. Contact the caring dental team at our Los Fresnos, TX office to schedule an appointment today.