What is Causing My Bad Breath?

February 18, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drlalonde @ 10:17 pm

: Your dentist can help you combat bad breath.Nothing turns people away from you and sends them running away faster than bad breath, or halitosis. The worst part is that typically no one wants to tell you that you have bad breath because it can be embarrassing. So if you’re lucky enough to have someone tell you that you have bad breath, be sure to listen and take action because bad breath can be the indicator of other health concerns and it’s important to find out what is causing it.

There are certain foods like garlic and onions that can cause halitosis when you eat them, but typically bad breath is caused by a lack of oral hygiene. Your mouth is constantly breaking down the foods that you eat for digestion and food particles typically remain in your mouth after eating. If you don’t brush and floss your teeth regularly, these particles of food will promote bacterial growth around your gums and teeth and on your tongue. This bacterium is what causes your bad breath.

Smoking or tobacco use also causes bad breath and tooth discoloration. It can also irritate your gums, contribute to periodontal disease and cause oral cancer. Tobacco use may also reduce your ability to taste and enjoy the foods that you love.

Persistent halitosis or a bad taste in your mouth can be an indicator of periodontal, or gum disease. You may not realize you have gum disease because there’s not much pain associated with it at first and it tends to progress slowly. It’s caused by the build up of bacteria and plaque that has hardened below the gum line and turned to tartar. Periodontal disease however, is not something to dismiss or take lightly, because if it’s left untreated it can cause damage to your gum tissue, teeth and jawbone, eventually leading to tooth and bone loss.

How Can I Get Rid of My Bad Breath?

Excellent home care with regular brushing and flossing can often eliminate bad breath. You may also want to rinse with an antibacterial mouth rinse to help keep halitosis at bay. Visiting your dentist for regular hygiene cleanings and check ups will also help control your bad breath. Your hygienist can advise you on tips and techniques for good brushing at home to ensure that you’re removing all the plaque and bacteria from your mouth.

Early signs of gum disease are gums that are red and swollen, or bleeding when you brush or floss. If you suspect that you may have gum disease it’s important to be proactive and contact your dentist right away. Periodontal disease doesn’t go away on it’s own and the team at Los Fresnos Dental Center of Dr. Adam Lalonde is here to help you eliminate your gum disease. Bad breath is also linked with other health issues such as bronchitis, sinus infections and diabetes, so if your dentist determines your mouth is healthy, they may recommend that you see your primary car physician for further evaluation. Contact our office today so we can get you back on the road to optimum health.

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