Importance of Dental Cleanings & Exams with Your Dentist Los Fresnos

July 21, 2015


If you’ve ever tried to change a habit or make a new one, you know it’s not easy, even if that habit might save your life. Twice a year dental cleanings and exams could help patients avoid numerous systemic diseases, and reduce health effects of some chronic illnesses. At Los Fresnos Dental Center, we know it’s not easy to start a new habit, but we hope you’ll consider six month dental checkups. You’ll see the difference every time you smile, but you may never know how many other benefits you received by maintaining your beautiful smile. Contact the caring dental team at our Los Fresnos, TX office to schedule an appointment today.

810 W. Ocean Blvd., Ste C-3, Los Fresnos, TX 78566 USA
Dr. Adam LaLonde Los Fresnos TX Dentists (956) 233-4400 (956) 233-5626